CAE Registered Provider Program

Picture showing new CAEs on stage

The CAE Registered Provider program was established in response to requests from CAE candidates for a clearer system to identify courses that qualify for CAE credit and from requests from course providers seeking a way to identify their program as eligible for CAE credit. The specific aspects of the program were designed with full consideration of National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs, and modeled after similar programs offered by other NCCA Accredited credentialing programs.

By submitting this application, your organization pledges to provide training that meets or exceeds the CAE Program standards for CAE credit and agrees to accurately communicate course eligibility for credit. In addition, CAE Registered Providers must maintain the necessary records to support the use of coursework toward CAE applications and pay an annual fee to the CAE Program.

Learn More About the Program